New Family Information
Volunteer Requirements
St. Cecilia Catholic School has a wonderful program that incorporates parent volunteers into many aspects of our campus life. All volunteers at school must be fingerprinted and complete the diocesan Safe Environment training. Please contact Mrs. Diana Anoc at danoc@stceciliak8.org for details.
What’s For Lunch
St. Cecilia School is pleased to offer the option of hot lunches 5 days per week!
Choicelunch is offered Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Parents place orders online and lunches are distributed to students.
To order, create your family’s account at https://www.choicelunch.com/ and place your orders. A variety of hot and cold entree options, fruit, sides, and beverages are offered.
Winning Score Wednesdays
On Wednesdays we have a fundraising Winning Score lunch that supports our choir and after school sports programs. Orders are placed through the lunch tab on the FACTS Student Information System.
Students are also welcome to bring their own lunch each day. Please note that heating and refrigeration are not available for individual student lunches.

Parent Teacher Guild (PTG)
PTG holds monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Science Lab. All are welcome to attend.
The Parent Teacher Guild (PTG) is the parent organization to which all St. Cecilia families automatically belong. PTG board members meet monthly to organize school volunteers and to support parent involvement in school functions. The group oversees new parent orientation and provides support throughout the family’s first year at St. Cecilia. The hospitality branch of the PTG extends warm welcomes and food at such school functions as Jump Start Night and the Summer Family Picnic.

The fund-raising branch of PTG raises approximately over $80,000 per year for major school improvements. Each classroom is equipped with air conditioning, new desks, cupboards, updated teacher computer with networking capabilities and computer display systems. The Library and Art Lab have been remodeled. The Computer Lab has new carpet and computers, with DVD movie-making capability.
Other projects funded by PTG to provide more learning experiences for the students include:
- School-wide assemblies that assist in developing a student who appreciates and understands the fine arts. St. Cecilia students get to experience the performing arts, become active participants in our history’s past through the Walk Through the American Revolution and Walk Through California programs, and see nature close-up with the Orange County Traveling Scientist.
- Financial support of student Christmas and Spring Productions, which encourages development of the whole child.
- Sports support – new equipment and uniforms. Students develop life-long habits of a physically healthy person.
Winning Score
Winning Score provides support to St. Cecilia’s Athletic Program and Choir Organization by sponsoring fundraisers and events to ensure its continued growth and success. They have programs such as Hot Lunch Wednesdays and Spirit Games with snack bars, with many more exciting events in the works.

Uniform Dress Code
School Uniform Code: 900029802
Please contact the school office with any questions at office@stceciliak8.org.
School Uniform Requirements:
Uniforms may be purchased at the Used Uniform Sales or directly from Lands’ End. The Formal Uniform, including the uniform sweater, is REQUIRED of all students in grades kindergarten through grade seven. Students in grade eight may choose between the formal uniform sweater or the designated eighth grade sweatshirt.

Girls Uniform | |
Formal (K5-4)(Required) | Hunter/Classic Navy Plaid Jumper White Short Sleeve Peter Pan Collar Shirt with logo embroidered on collar. Red Performance Fine GaugeCardigan Sweater with embroidered school logo |
Formal (5-8) (Required) | Pleated Hunter/Classic Navy Plaid Skirt Short Sleeve White Oxford Shirt with logo Red Fine GaugeV-neck Pullover Sweater OR V-neck Vestwith logo |
Casual (K5-8) (Optional) | Khaki Plain Front Iron Knees®Blend Chino Pants Khaki PlainFront StretchChino Pants Khaki IronKnees®Elastic Waist Blend Chino Pants Khaki Woven Stretch Pencil Leg Chino Pants Khaki Plain Front Blend Chino Shorts Khaki Stretch Chino Bermuda Shorts Khaki Elastic Waist Shorts Hunter/Classic Navy Side Pleat Plaid Skort Classic Navy or Red Interlock Polo (short or long sleeve) with logo Classic Navy or Red Feminine Fit interlock polo (short or long sleeve) with logo Red Crew Sweatshirt with logo Red Fleece Jacket with logo |
Girls Socks and Belt Requirements (K5-8) | White, navy blue, or black ankle socks, knee socks, tights – no trim on any leg wear Socks must completely cover the ankle bone Belts are to be worn with any item that has belt loops (Exception: Kindergarten5 students) Belt colors: black, khaki, brown, or navy |

Boys Uniform | |
Formal K5-8) (Required) | White Short Sleeve Oxford Shirt with logo Red Fine Gauge V-neck Pullover Sweater OR V-neck Vestwith logo Khaki Pleat/Plain Front Iron Knees®Blend Chino Pants Khaki Iron Knees®Elastic Waist Blend Chino Pants Khaki Plain Front Iron Knees®Stain & Wrinkle Resistant Chino Pant |
Casual (K5-8) (Optional) | Khaki Plain Front Cotton Chino Shorts Khaki Elastic Waist Shorts Khaki Pleat Front Blend Chino Shorts Classic Navy or Red Interlock Polo (short or long sleeve) with logo Red Crew Sweatshirt with logo Red Fleece jacket with logo |
Girls Socks and Belt Requirements (K5-8) | White, navy blue or black socks Socks must completely cover the ankle bone Belts must be one of the following solid colors: black, khaki, brown or navy Belts are to be worn with any item that has belt loops. (Exception: Kindergarten5 students) |

Boys and Girls Shoes (K5-8) | Tennis shoes or oxford-style shoes All shoes must have laces or Velcro closures Colors are limited to all black, all white, or black and white. Any other color, regardless of size or prominence on the shoe, must be covered with a black or white marker Shoes must be free of designs including, but not limited to, patterns, stars, flowers, and characters. Shoes that have rollers on the bottom and/or illuminate are not allowed. |
Special Note Regarding 8th Grade Outerwear | Only the required red fine gaugev-neck sweater/vestwith logo or the designated “Eighth Grade” sweatshirt may be worn by eighth graders on Formal Uniform Days. All other students must wear the designated uniform sweaters on Formal Uniform Days. |
Uniforms may be purchased at the Used Uniform Sales or at Lands’ End (www.landsend.com). Our Preferred School Number is 900029802.
All students must wear the full dress uniform, including sweaters or vests, on all Fridays and on any other day designated as a “Formal Uniform Day.”
Wednesdays are designated as Spirit Days. Students may wear school spirit shirts and casual uniform bottoms. Spirit shirts do not include after-school sports team shirts unless specifically noted for after-school sports assemblies including Sports Luncheon/Awards days.
- Play clothes appropriate for school
- Tennis shoes, leather oxfords, NO open toe sandals
- St. Cecilia Catholic School logo sweatshirt is optional
The type of clothing for field trips varies according to the activity. The appropriate dress will be determined by the teacher with the approval of the Principal. Parents will be notified accordingly.
It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure children’s adherence to the dress code. Students who are not in compliance with the dress code may lose conduct points and/or be sent to the office. If a student is sent to the office, a parent will be called, and the student will remain in the office until the uniform infraction is corrected.
Files: Lands End Sizing Guide.pdf

Parents are an integral part of a variety of volunteer programs at St. Cecilia School. There are many opportunities for parents to complete the Service Hour requirement of forty (40) hours per school year. The Service Hour Descriptions sheet describes some of the most common opportunities.
Service hours must be completed and logged in the Service Hour Logbook on Sycamore by the deadlines of December 15th and May 15th. Parents will be billed for any unfulfilled/unrecorded hours after those dates. Parents are responsible for recording their own hours in the Service Hour Logbook. The school will not accept telephone calls for the recording of service hours.
Fingerprinting and Safe Environment clearance must be completed before the start of volunteer work. The first step to securing your clearance is to download the Diocesan application found at the bottom of this page. Once completed, return this application to our Front Office, and we will submit it to the Diocesan database.
Once the Diocese of Orange has accepted your application, we will provide you with a Live Scan Fingerprinting form. This form, along with a photo ID, may be taken to any Certifix location. Find the location nearest you by visiting www.certifixlivescan.com.
The fee is $47-$57. Please contact the location directly for acceptable forms of payment. The Certifix agent will provide you with a copy of your Life Scan form to return to the school.
All volunteers are required to take the online course Safe Haven- It’s Up to You. Instructions for accessing the course are below.
- Create an account at https://orange.cmgconnect.org.
- Check “Safe Environment Training” for your participation category.
- The required curriculum is Safe Haven- It’s Up to You. You may start and stop the course as needed until completion.
- At the end of the curriculum, please return to your dashboard to print out the certificate and bring it in to the Front Office, or email a copy to Mrs. Ramos.
Important: If you do not see the course Safe Haven- It’s Up to You, then please go to edit your profile and make sure that the box marked “Safe Environment Training” is checked.
This course must be re-taken every three (3) years.
Once both steps of the above process are completed, 3 service hours may be logged for Fingerprinting and Safe Environment training.
During School Hours
Winning Score Lunch
Contact: Catherine Pham
Email: mrs.catherinepham@gmail.com
Hours: W (11:45am-1:00pm)
Sign-up: Winning Score Schedule
Health Room (Double Hours)
Contact: Kerri Carvo
Email: Kcarvo1925@gmail.com
Hours: M-F (12:00-2:30pm)
Ice Cream Sales
Contact: Patricia Rivera
Email: taurrito@hotmail.com
Hours: TH (11:30-1:00pm)
Sign-up: Ice Cream Schedule
At Home/Weekend
Box Tops
Contact: Laurel Evans
Email: hrmtqoe@gmail.com
Hours: Flexible
Coffee and Donuts
Contact: Teresa Ibbettson
Email: tibbetson@att.net
Hours: Second Sunday every other month
Contact: Mr. Greg LeFever
Email: greg@lefeverwellness.com
Event Date: March 8, 2019
Hours: Varies