About Schools


Fully Licensed Preschool:

  • CA #30061458

Accredited By:

  • Western Catholic Education Association
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges


  • National Catholic Education Association
  • Sisters of St. Joseph Educational Network

Special Recognition:

  • NCLB Blue Ribbon School

More Than School

More than school for students in preschool through eighth grade

At St. Cecilia School, we welcome God into our daily curriculum, we partner meaningfully with parents, we enhance every child’s learning through technology, and we work as a team.

If you remember anything, please remember this ‐ St. Cecilia is More Than School!

Experience More Than School

Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:7)

St. Cecilia School is more than school, tests and textbooks! At St. Cecilia School, the first treasure we hold and share enthusiastically with your child is our love for Jesus Christ. This is a serious commitment that your family and our school take together so that each child will grow in a personal, dynamic, and committed relationship with the Lord. Our goal is for your child to not only know God but to love Him and become a man or woman of the Gospel.

Build Character

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

A faith that is not lived is empty! At St. Cecilia School, your child will build character and grow in virtue. Goodness is something that needs to be practiced! Our commitment to you is that your child will learn through a dynamic Catholic faith and moral life, how to know right from wrong, make wise decisions, and grow into that person who will build up the kingdom of Christ and make your home and the world a better place.

Learn More Here

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

St. Cecilia School’s faculty are born teachers, blessed with the God-given ability, passion and patience to teach and reach diverse children of virtually all learning styles. Along with our superior faculty, St. Cecilia School offers your child a place where our Art Program is second to none. Students learn confidence and how to develop their talents through our Music Program. Our Spanish Program gives your child an advantage in an Orange County that is diversifying quickly. Older students mentor younger ones; students lead prayer assemblies; each child is taught to work as a team and how to be independent.

Thrive in High School

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

St. Cecilia School’s balanced, challenging curriculum and continual emphasis on personal responsibility arms students with the fundamental knowledge, self-discipline and good study habits to academically thrive in the high school of their choice. We continually receive praise from our local high schools regarding St. Cecilia School’s graduates.

Find Your Voice

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

St. Cecilia School’s focus on reading, writing, and public speaking enables your child to communicate effectively at a high level, empowering them to confidently find their voice, clearly share ideas, and persuasively inform and influence the thinking and actions of others. An educated and Christian witness is an essential contribution that we give to the larger society.

Feel at Home

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20)

From the moment you step through the doors of St. Cecilia School, you sense something different – a blend of optimism and togetherness, where people remember your name and are glad to see you. Students learn from a well crafted curriculum, their teachers, their fellow students, and the parish priests how to love Christ in a way that will anchor them successfully for the future. That is our commitment to you and your child.

Mission & History

Mission Statement
St. Cecilia Catholic School provides a Christ-centered environment where all students are prepared and empowered to reach their full potential-spiritually, intellectually, socially, and morally.

Msgr. John Sammon founded St. Cecilia School in 1961. The Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange were the early administrators. The school began with 8 trailers, two for each grade. The bathrooms were two little outhouses, which soon became little shacks. And before there were drinking fountains, students had to stand in line for the daily ration of one cup of water from the water cooler. The playground was just a small dirt field covered with gravel. By the following year the school moved from the trailers into the brick school building.

St. Cecilia Parish encompassed Irvine as well as Tustin at the time, and there were no other Catholic Schools for many miles south.

In 1966, St. Cecilia students gave their first performance with a mural covering the window of classroom 6A as a background. Today we have great performances at Christmas and every spring on a theater stage with professional lighting and sound.

The graduating class of 1969 was the first class that went through St. Cecilia School for the whole 8 years. By then the school had a sports program that included football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, and a cheerleading team!

The school continues an outstanding tradition in academic achievement and sports, built on Gospel values and faith. Today, our school has new upgraded classrooms, a great computer room with, a wonderful art lab, and a well-equipped science lab. The parents, staff and parish members have developed a community of support for the students.

Over the past five years, St. Cecilia students have consistently won awards in the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts Junior Art Exhibit, Orange County Imagination Celebration, Chapman University Holocaust Art and Writing Contest, Academic Decathlon and Parochial Athletic League. In 2006, St. Cecilia School received the prestigious No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon Award for high test scores in reading and math. The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Western Catholic Education Association.

Principal’s Message

St. Cecilia School, as a ministry of St. Cecilia Parish, has been recognized as a faith community that is committed to academic excellence.

As a faith community, St. Cecilia School embraces the Gospel message of love and service. Students participate in weekly and monthly liturgical celebrations. Every classroom plans and participates in a yearly outreach project. Student clubs and activities emphasize the importance of sharing our gifts and talents with others. Cooperative activities between grade levels build loving and respectful relationships. The faculty and parents generously support the school through gifts of time and talent, thereby modeling for the children the importance of the community.

The commitment to academic excellence is evidenced across the campus. Our highly qualified teachers utilize a variety of teaching strategies and practice differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students. A well-developed curriculum enables our students to excel in all academic areas. In addition to the core subjects, students receive instruction in Spanish, computers, art and PE. St. Cecilia students have been recognized for their excellence in public speaking, writing, singing, drama, art, and sports.

St. Cecilia School welcomes students from preschool through eighth grade. For further information, please use the Contact Us link on our homepage, or stop by the school office. We look forward to meeting you and sharing the warm spirit of hospitality at St. Cecilia School.

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. Mary Alvarado

School Day Hours


  • M/T/Th/F: 7:30am-3:00pm
  • W: 9:00am-3:00pm

PRESCHOOL (Full Day Program)

  • M/T/Th/F: 7:45am-3:00pm
  • W: 9:15am-3:00pm

PRESCHOOL (Half Day Option)

  • M/T/Th/F: 7:45am-12:00pm
  • W: 9:15am-12:00pm

Kindergarten4 – Eighth Grade

  • M/T/Th/F: 7:45am-3:00pm (dismissal varies by grade)
  • W: 9:15am-3:00pm (dismissal varies by grade)

We offer small group literacy instruction in all grades and small group math instruction in grades Fifth through Eighth. Curriculum is enhanced by the integration of 1:1 iPads, hands-on learning experiences, guest speakers, and field trips.

Extended care
Extended Care is available for students in Kindergarten4 through Eighth grade.

  • Morning: 7:00am-7:30am (W 7:00am-9:00am)
  • Afternoon: 3:00pm-6:00pm

St. Cecilia Church

St. Cecilia School is a ministry of St. Cecilia Catholic Church in the Diocese of Orange in the city of Tustin, CA .